Driveway & Patio tool

  1. Visit Google Earth by clicking HERE
  2. Find your property on the map by using the magnifying glass on the left hand panel
  3. Zoom in using the + button on the map, now click the ruler icon (looks a bit like a comb) on the left hand panel (it's the last icon)
  4. Click the corner of your Driveway, any corner. Now click the corners until you return to your first selected corner. Click the first corner again to complete the mask.
  5. You will now see "Perimeter" and "Area", click the little down arrow by the figure and change this to "Square Meters"
  6. Take the total area number (which is now in meters squared) and enter this in "Area M2 Squared" below.
  7. Now select your paving type, and if you require a re-sand.
  8. Hey presto, your estimate.